Et tu, Norway? on Last Week Tonight

John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight has a rotating intro of images related to current events, many of which have faux Latin captions, e.g. John Oliver himself is always captioned with Hostus Mostus.

This one, however laugh out loud it might be, is perhaps a bit of a deep cut. The short version is that Freya the Walrus made headlines in Oslo for climbing on boats, docks, etc. and for being large enough to cause damage to those objects. Freya became so notable and recognizable that the general public wouldn’t leave Freya alone (despite being told to by government and/or wildlife officials).

In response, and here’s where the image and caption comes in, Norway, well, killed Freya, saying that there was no other option because Freya was becoming a danger to the public because they wouldn’t leave Freya alone.

Et tu, Norway, indeed.